[USA] “Department of Energy Partners with NASA to Call for Transformative Energy Ideas”

[Department of Energy, 29 March 2018]

DOE’s ARPA-E (Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy) team have announced that they, along with NASA, will launch an iTech challenge. This challenge would feature the country’s top entrepreneurs’ and researchers’ “transformative energy concepts.” This challenge seeks innovative technologies that would “improve energy generation, storage and distribution to the benefit of both space exploration and life on Earth.” Some of the technology groups that will be showcased in this competition include [regenerative] fuel cells, solar power systems, smart grids, wireless distribution systems, small fission power systems, etc. The challenge will continue until April 29, 2018 and the top 10 finalists will present their findings to experts in the field as well as potential investors.

Source: https://www.energy.gov/articles/department...