[USA] “Duke Energy’s $62 Million Solar Rebate Program Approved for North Carolina Residential, Business and Nonprofit Customers”

[Duke Energy, 16 April 2018]

North Carolina’s Utilities Commission has approved “Duke Energy’s $62 million solar rebate program- which will help North Carolina customers with the upfront cost of installing solar panels on their property.” North Carolina residential customers will be able to receive a rebate of 60 cents/ watt for solar energy systems that are less than 10 kW; nonresidential customers will be able to receive 50 cents/watt, while nonprofits can receive 75 cents/watt on 100 kW systems or less. For systems greater than 100 kW, nonresidential customers can receive a maximum rebate of $50,000, while nonprofit customers may receive up to $75,000. The program also includes a solar leasing option for customers.  The program is also expected to fuel the economy of the state as it will double North Carolina’s private solar market over the next 5 years. It is also just one part of North Carolina’s House Bill 589 (2017)- also known as the Competitive Energy Solutions for North Carolina. The state’s push into renewables likely accounts for its status as second in the country for total solar capacity. 

Source: https://news.duke-energy.com/releases/duke...