[Japan] Chugoku Electric Power and Shikoku Electric Power with Other Partners Will Acquire a Total of 27% Stake in the Yunlin Offshore Wind Farm in Taiwan

On April 5, 2019, Chugoku Electric Power and Shikoku Electric Power announced that they would participate in the Yunlin Offshore Wind Farm project in Taiwan, through the acquisition of interests from a German-based large renewable energy developer, wpd A.G., in collaboration with other Japanese companies, including Sojitz Corporation and JXTG Nippon Oil and Energy.

The Japanese consortium will acquire a total of a 27% stake in the 640MW Yunlin Offshore Wind Farm project from wpd A.G.[1], which will secure the remaining 73% stake in the company. Sojitz Corporation, a Japanese trading company[2], will have a 9.1% stake in the wind farm. C&C investment, established by Chugoku Electric Power Company, will have a 6.75% stake. JXTG Nippon Oil and Energy[3], a Japanese petroleum company, will also have a 6.75% stake, and Shikoku Electric Power will have a 4.4% stake.

The wind farm is expected to begin operation in December 2021 and will supply power to the Taiwan Electric Power Company for 20 years at a fixed price. It is the first time for Chugoku Electric Power and Shikoku Electric Power to join the oversees offshore wind power business. Chugoku Electric Power and Shikoku Electric Power plan to continue to participate in new overseas projects and will work to improve their profitability.[4]

[1] http://www.wpd.de/en/wpd/profile/

[2] https://www.sojitz.com/en/corporate/profile/index.php

[3] https://www.noe.jxtg-group.co.jp/english/

[4] https://www.yonden.co.jp/press/2019/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2019/04/05/pr004.pdf