[Japan] Kyushu Electric Power and SB Power Launched a Joint Demonstration Test for a Demand Response Smartphone Service for Residential Customers

Kyushu Electric Power (Kyuden, Headquarters: Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture) and SB Power, a retail electric provider which is a subsidiary of the SoftBank Group (Headquarters: Tokyo), announced on December 17, 2020, that they have launched a joint demonstration test for a Demand Response (DR) Smartphone Service for residential customers.

The demonstration test will operate in FY2020 through SB Power's DR service for residential customers. The service is an AI-based demand forecasting system which utilizes electric energy data that is obtained every 30 minutes from Kyushu Electric Power Transmission and Distribution (Headquarters: Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture). Kyuden customers who have registered to join the demonstration test will use an app called Beautiful Life Plus DR, which was designed by SB Power and customized by Kyuden. As an incentive for customers to save energy through the program, the participants will receive PayPay Bonus, an e-payment credit to be utilized for shopping. The platform was provided by PayPay, a mobile payment provider jointly owned by SoftBank and Yahoo Japan (Headquarters: Tokyo).

DR has recently become more critical in Kyushu Prefecture due to the increase in the use of solar power generation, and the new DR service therefore aims to help optimize the local supply and demand balance of electricity. Kyuden and SB Power hope that the service will assist Kyuden to reduce its supply costs, while also helping customers to save energy and costs.[1]

[1] http://www.kyuden.co.jp/press_h201217-1.html