[Japan] Tohoku Electric Power Began Adopting Non-Firm Grid Connection Method to Adapt to Increase the Use of Renewable Energy

On January 13, 2021, Tohoku Electric Power (Tohoku, Headquarters: Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture) announced it has adopted a non-firm grid connection method to give operators more flexibility to control the power output generated from renewable energy generation, in order to better deal with increased sources of renewable energy. The grid connection is a method of connecting and accessing new energy sources by utilizing the free available capacity of power transmission and transformation equipment, including transmission lines. The non-firm method also allows operators to curtail their output, along with their capacity status, even in normal times.[1] The Japanese government has directed all of its transmission and distribution operators to begin to adopt the non-firm method from January 13, 2021. As part of the government’s directive, Tohoku decided to adopt the method for its bulk-power systems with 500kV and 270kV, in order to optimize the management of the power generated by renewable resources.

The Subcommittee on the Introduction of Renewable Energy and Next-Generation Power Network[2], developed by the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (ANRE) under Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), and the Wide-Area System Maintenance Committee[3] of the Organization for Cross-Regional Coordination of Transmission Operators, Japan (OCCTO, Headquarters: Tokyo), have studied the non-firm grid connections and have promoted the adoption of this method. Based on their findings, Tohoku has therefore decided to utilize the non-firm grid connection method. Tohoku will make an announcement once the method has been adapted to Tohoku’s systems.[4]

[1] https://nw.tohoku-epco.co.jp/news/normal/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2021/01/13/21011302.pdf

[2] https://www.meti.go.jp/shingikai/enecho/denryoku_gas/saisei_kano/index.html

[3] https://www.occto.or.jp/iinkai/kouikikeitouseibi/

[4] https://nw.tohoku-epco.co.jp/news/normal/1218240_2394.html