[USA] Duke Energy Florida proposes plan to offset rate increases by 33%

On September 3, 2021, Duke Energy Florida announced that it had developed a plan to reduce the impact of new rates that go into effect in January 2022 by 33%.[1] Under this plan, Duke Energy Florida will spread the recovery of roughly $247 million of unrecovered fuel costs over two years and forgo immediate recovery of costs from recent storms, as well as other actions. These proposed actions would reduce a residential 1,000 kWh customer bill by an average of $4.67 per month. Under the plan, the typical residential customer's 1,000 kWh bill will increase by $9.24 per month, on average, for 2022. Commercial and industrial customer bills will increase by 1% to 8%.

The utility also recently proposed modifications to demonstrate its commitment to implementing energy efficiency and demand-side management programs. Proposed actions include increasing the Neighborhood Energy Savers targeted customers by 5% and making temporary changes to the approved Florida Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act (FEECA) programs for lower-income customers. In addition, customers enrolled in the utility's approved Residential Demand Response Program will receive a $30 "assistance incentive" in the form of a gift card that can be used toward their energy bill. Further, a second modification to FEECA programs will offer 20,000 assistance kits to provide energy efficiency savings to customers in need.

[1] https://news.duke-energy.com/releases/duke-energy-florida-seeks-to-reduce-2022-bill-impacts-by-33