[USA] Florida Governor vetoes bill to revise net metering laws

On April 27, 2022, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) vetoed House Bill (HB) 741/Senate Bill (SB) 1024, which proposed revising existing laws for net metering and was passed by the state legislature in March 2022.[1] Net metering is a tool that gives rooftop solar owners a credit for excess energy that they produce and send back to the grid. HB 741 would have directed the Public Service Commission (PSC) to adopt a new program for rooftop solar owners by 2029 that would change net metering requirements and have solar owners pay the full cost of electric service instead of being "subsidized" by non-net metering customers. The bill would have also allowed utilities to recoup fees by petitioning the PSC to ensure “that the public utility covers the fixed costs of serving customers who engage in net metering.” Governor DeSantis cited the potential cost increases in his rejection. The governor wrote that Florida “should not contribute to the financial crunch that our citizens are experiencing,” referring to nationwide inflation.

[1] https://www.flgov.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/4.27.22-Veto-Transmittal-Letter.pdf