[USA] MISO opens energy and operating reserves markets to storage

On September 6, 2022, the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) announced that Electric Storage Resources (ESRs) are now eligible to participate in its energy and operating reserve markets for the first time.[1] According to the press release, the new resource type has operational characteristics that support reliability and resilience. ESRs include batteries, pumped storage facilities, and compressed air energy storage. Although a “nominal” amount of storage capacity is currently registered, MISO’s generator interconnection queue shows that more than 150 energy storage projects (about 13,300 MW of capacity) are in development. “We are excited to see this space grow with increasing member interest and participation, particularly as we continue to adapt to the accelerating resource transition,” said Jessica Lucas, MISO’s executive director of system operations. “With the introduction of Electric Storage Resources to our market portfolio, we will continue to position MISO’s grid and its members for the Grid of The Future.”

The integration of these resources follows the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) Order 841, which directed grid operators to remove barriers to market participation for storage resources. MISO had previously requested to delay the compliance deadline until 2025, but FERC denied that request.

[1] https://www.misoenergy.org/about/media-center/miso-introduces-electric-storage-resource-to-market-portfolio/