[USA] SEIA outlines plan to improve U.S. domestic solar supply chain

In a whitepaper released on March 8, 2023, the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) outlines steps to secure a stronger domestic solar supply chain in the U.S. and reduce reliance on global imports, particularly from China.[1] The plan, titled “American Solar and Storage Manufacturing Renaissance: Managing the Transition Away from China”, lays out steps for reducing imports at a parallel pace with efforts to reshore manufacturing and scale domestic production in key parts of the supply chain. According to the whitepaper, the current policy environment is enough to meaningfully manufacture all elements of the solar supply chain in the U.S. in the medium and long term. However, the plan does not call for the U.S. to cut itself off fully from global markets, instead recommending reducing reliance on equipment and materials from China and other potential adversaries. SEIA stated that the U.S. could have the most competitive and collaborative solar and energy storage industry by 2030.

In addition to the report, SEIA released an interactive map that tracks new and existing solar and storage facilities in the U.S. The map includes new solar manufacturing investments, such as those made since the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). It incorporates facilities across the solar and storage value chain, including facilities that produce raw materials, solar module assembly factories, and component facilities. According to SEIA analysis, the IRA is projected to grow the solar manufacturing workforce in the U.S. from about 34,000 jobs today to more than 115,000 jobs by 2030.

[1] https://www.seia.org/news/us-solar-and-storage-paper-outlines-plan-take-control-us-supply-chain