As of January 7, 2025, according to a settlement approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Voltus agreed to pay a $10.9 million penalty and return $7.1 million in profits to settle allegations that it registered uncontracted and over-stated demand response resources with the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO). Voltus aggregates retail customers to provide MISO with “load-modifying resources.” [1] FERC contends that Voltus CEO Gregg Dixon caused Voltus to register demand response resources with MISO without the owner’s knowledge. Furthermore, they clear load-modifying resource capacity that would not have performed if MISO dispatched the resources from Oct 2006 to June 2020. Around the time when Voltus partook in the 2017/18 planning resource auction, MISO did not require companies like Voltus to show that they had a contractual relationship with the entities providing load-modifying resources they were registering, according to FERC. As part of the settlement, Voltus will file annual compliance monitoring reports to FERC’s enforcement office for two years or longer at the office’s discretion.