[USA] DOE to focus on expanding baseload generation: Secretary Wright

As of February 5, 2025, the Department of Energy (DOE) Secretary Chris Wright said in an order outlining the department’s priorities, that the DOE will focus on growing baseload and dispatchable generation to meet growing electricity demand. [1] According to Wright, the DOE will focus on adding energy resources rather than taking them away. Wright emphasized that the DOE will exercise all lawful authorities to strengthen the US power grid, including the transmission system, especially considering current and anticipated load growth on electric utilities. He also stated that the department would support emerging nuclear power as well as its rapid deployment. In its R&D programs, the DOE will focus on fossil fuels, advanced nuclear, geothermal, and hydropower, technologies that Wright believes are affordable, reliable, and secure. Wright also suggested that the department would prioritize nuclear fusion, high-performance computing, quantum computing, and AI, in order to maintain global competitiveness.

[1] https://www.energy.gov/articles/secretary-wright-acts-unleash-golden-era-american-energy-dominance