[USA] PJM board approves $6.7B transmission expansion plan

As of February 26, 2025, the PJM Interconnection board approved $5.9 billion in new transmission projects to bolster reliability across the grid operator’s footprint. [1] That, along with the changes to the scope and cost of existing projects, mean PJM’s latest Regional Transmission Expansion Plan is set to cost $6.7 billion, according to the grid operator. [2] The plan contains a modified version of a proposal to build a 765-kV, multistate transmission backbone offered by American Electric Power, Dominion Energy Virginia, and FirstEnergy. [3] This $4.6 billion set of projects aims to bolster west-east regional power transfers according to PJM staff analysis of its recommended plan. The plan calls for 260 miles of 765-kV transmission line between Putnam County, West Virginia, and Frederick County, Maryland. It also calls for a 155-mile line between Campbell and Fauquier counties in Virginia, according to AEP. The board also approved a revised cost estimate - $1.5 billion, up from $739 million – for transmission additions, PJM needs to allow Talen Energy to retire its coal-fired Brandon Shores power plant in Maryland. Exelon subsidiaries Baltimore Gas and Electric, PECO Energy, and Potomac Edison will be the projects’ primary builders.

[1] https://www.pjm.com/-/media/DotCom/committees-groups/committees/teac/2025/20250204/20250204-pjm-board-whitepaper-february-2025.pdf

[2] https://www.pjm.com/-/media/DotCom/committees-groups/committees/teac/2025/20250304/20250304-2024-rtep-window-1-reliability-analysis-report.pdf

[3] https://www.aep.com/news/stories/view/10048/