[USA] “DOE Applauds Vogtle Decision”

[DOE, 26 September 2018]

The construction of Vogtle 3&4, located in Georgia, was approved in a September 26, 2018 vote by all four of the project’s co-owners (Georgia Power, Oglethorpe Power, MEAG Power, and Dalton Utilities). This project will be the US’s first large scale utility-based nuclear project in over 30 years. Vogtle 3 is expected to come online in November 2021 and Vogtle 4 a year late in November 2022. The project will also support jobs in Georgia – employing over 7,000 workers during construction and 800 permanent jobs post-construction. As a result, the plant will provide reliable and clean energy to approximately 500,000 homes for decades. DOE’s Spokeswoman Shaylyn Hynes expects that the completion of this project will cement the US’s leadership in nuclear technology. Hynes also hopes that “this project will mark the beginning of a nuclear renaissance in America.”

For more info, please click here: https://www.southerncompany.com/newsroom/2018/sept-2018/all-vogtle-owners-vote-to-move-forward.html

Source: https://www.energy.gov/articles/doe-applau...