[USA] “Massachusetts Clean Energy Advocates Welcome SMART Program Order”

[SEIA, 27 September 2018]

The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities (DPU) has issued its Order on the Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART) program. The issuance of this order was one of the final steps to be taken before the SMART program, whose legislation was signed in 2016 by Governor Charlie Baker,[1] could be implemented. The details of this legislation can be found at the Massachusetts legislature’s portal.[2]The program is expected to boost the state’s solar industry and increase solar jobs as well by extending access to 75% of Massachusetts residents who previously could not install rooftop solar. As a result, Massachusetts’s leadership in the solar industry began to falter. However, with the implementation of the program, solar will once again thrive in the state. This program is also expected to provide a savings of $4.7 billion to ratepayers. Sean Garren, Senior Director of Northeast for Vote Solar, stated, “Solar projects have been stalled across the Commonwealth for more than a year now awaiting the launch of the SMART program, which will still be weeks from now. These projects will mean local investment, new jobs and property taxes, as well as a cleaner and more resilient energy system.”

[1] https://www.mass.gov/news/department-of-public-utilities-issues-order-to-continue-solar-development

[2] https://malegislature.gov/Bills/189/Senate/S1979

Source: https://www.seia.org/news/massachusetts-cl...