[USA] “Ford Confirms It Can Meet Strong Vehicle Standards – Company Must Oppose Trump Administration’s Severe Rollbacks”

[Union of Concerned Scientists, 10 May 2018]

On a May 10 conference call with shareholders, Ford Motor Company CEO, Jim Hackett, confirmed that Ford will remain committed to efficiency improvements and would be able to meet the Obama Administration’s vehicle emission standards- even if the Trump Administrations wants to roll-back these standards. Following Hackett’s comments, Michelle Robinson -Director of the Clean Vehicles Program at the Union of Concerned Scientists- encouraged Ford to publicly oppose the Trump Administration’s proposal to ease emissions standards: “Jim Hackett and his company have an opportunity to show real leadership—not just by keeping their word and delivering cleaner cars, but by telling the Trump administration not to throw out the successful standards that have made those cleaner cars possible. If Ford executives know they can meet these standards, they have a responsibility to defend them.”

Source: https://www.ucsusa.org/news/press-release/...