[USA] “President Donald J. Trump Prioritizes Efficiency in the Federal Government”  

[The White House, 17 May 2018]

Trump signed an Executive Order on May 17, 2018 directing Federal agencies to better manage federal “buildings, vehicles, and overall operations to optimize energy and environmental performance, reduce waste, and cut costs.” This order also calls on the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to streamline requirements and directives regarding clean energy, procurement processes for federal facilities and assets, and energy and water consumption. The order also provides more flexibility to federal agencies in decision making processes and allows them to determine how best to meet operational and efficiency goals.  Finally, the order directs agencies to record and report their efforts to comply with the Executive Order; this data will then be used to evaluate an agency and their operations via the annual scorecard issued by the OMB. Trump said of his order, “We’re going to run government smoothly, efficiently, and on behalf of the very hardworking taxpayers.”

Source: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-state...