[Japan] Atomic Energy Association Newly Established to Improve Nuclear Safety

The Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. (JAIF), a quasi non-governmental organization, announced on June 15, 2018 that it will establish the Atomic Energy Association (ATENA) on July 1st, which will aim to improve nuclear safety by utilizing knowledge and resources from throughout the nuclear industry. The Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan and the Japan Electrical Manufacturer’s Association have been preparing for ATENA’s establishment since April, and ATENA’s original members will be composed of 19 corporations and organizations, including Japan-based power companies and major manufacturers.

ATENA will play an important role in leading efforts to enhance higher levels of nuclear safety, by promoting the introduction of effective safety measures to tackle the common issues throughout the nuclear industry, opening dialogues with regulators about safety improvements, and by communicating with stakeholders. The organization has set up a Steering Conference where members can participate to identify issues to be addressed in the nuclear industry. An expert working group will carry out technical discussions on various issues. ATENA will also publish an annual technical report with updates on the current progress by nuclear generators in implementing the safety measures.

ATENA will also collaborate with the Japan Nuclear Safety Institute (JANSI) to share information and resources[1], and will support JANSI’s activities. JANSI is a civilian third-party organization established in 2012 in response to the need to improve nuclear plants’ operational safety after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station accident. JANSI encourages and evaluates operators’ efforts to voluntarily improve their performance and adhere to the governments’ regulatory standards.[2]


[1] http://www.jaif.or.jp/180615-1

[2] http://www.genanshin.jp/association/establishment.html