[USA] “EEI Launches Industry-Wide Environmental, Social, Governance, and Sustainability Reporting Template”

(EEI, 27 August 2018)

The Edison Electric Institute will launch an “environmental, social, governance, and sustainability-related (ESG/sustainability) reporting template;” this report is the first and only one of its kind.  It is based on voluntary reporting of both quantitative (i.e. governance methods and strategies) and qualitative data (i.e. portfolio, emissions, capital expenditures, and resources). Through this report, electricity customers can be better informed on their utility’s status in these areas. EEI’s member electric companies will also benefit as each company’s financial sector will be provided with more standardized and consistent ESG/sustainability information. Tom Kuhn, EEI’s President” said that the pilot form of this report (released in December 2017) was “well-received by investors, key stakeholders, and customers.” JPMorgan Chase’s Deputy Global Head of Sustainable Finance also applauded EEI’s efforts and stated that “as ESG goes mainstream, the disclosure template will help lenders, investors, and EEI member companies engage on the most important ESG and sustainability matters for the electric power industry.”

Source: http://www.eei.org/resourcesandmedia/newsr...