[USA] EEI Joins Litigation for EPA’s New Clean Air Act Section 111 Rules

On May 24, 2024, EEI President and CEO Dan Brouillette announced EEI's decision to file a petition for review of the EPA’s final Clean Air Act Section 111 rules and a motion to intervene. [1] While supporting the EPA’s authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions, EEI challenges the reliance on carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology as a compliance basis, arguing that CCS is not yet adequately demonstrated for broad industry deployment. Brouillette emphasized that no existing coal or natural gas power plants meet the EPA’s CCS requirements and that the implementation timelines are unrealistic. He stressed that EEI’s member companies are committed to reducing carbon emissions and investing in clean energy technologies, but regulations should be practical and achievable to avoid jeopardizing customer affordability and reliability. EEI seeks to ensure that the clean energy transition continues responsibly without relying on unproven technologies and unrealistic deadlines.

[1] https://www.eei.org/News/news/All/eei-joins-litigation-for-epa-clean-air-act-111-rules

[USA] “EEI Launches Industry-Wide Environmental, Social, Governance, and Sustainability Reporting Template”

(EEI, 27 August 2018)

The Edison Electric Institute will launch an “environmental, social, governance, and sustainability-related (ESG/sustainability) reporting template;” this report is the first and only one of its kind.  It is based on voluntary reporting of both quantitative (i.e. governance methods and strategies) and qualitative data (i.e. portfolio, emissions, capital expenditures, and resources). Through this report, electricity customers can be better informed on their utility’s status in these areas. EEI’s member electric companies will also benefit as each company’s financial sector will be provided with more standardized and consistent ESG/sustainability information. Tom Kuhn, EEI’s President” said that the pilot form of this report (released in December 2017) was “well-received by investors, key stakeholders, and customers.” JPMorgan Chase’s Deputy Global Head of Sustainable Finance also applauded EEI’s efforts and stated that “as ESG goes mainstream, the disclosure template will help lenders, investors, and EEI member companies engage on the most important ESG and sustainability matters for the electric power industry.”

Source: http://www.eei.org/resourcesandmedia/newsr...

[USA] “Survey Reveals Maryland Residents Overwhelmingly Support Expansion of Electric Vehicle Infrastructure in State”

[EEI, 14 May 2018]

EEI’s recent survey has found that an “overwhelming majority” of Maryland residents are in favor of expanding electric vehicle infrastructure in the state. More specifically, 76% of Maryland residents support an expanded EV charging system; 61% believe that such an expanded system would positively impact the state’s economy and 81% believe that such an expansion would positively benefit the environment. Additionally, 3 out of 10 residents wish to purchase an EV within the next 12 months.  Brian Wolff, EEI Executive Vice President of Public Policy and External Affairs, commented, “Based on this survey, it’s apparent that investing in electric vehicle infrastructure is what residents want to improve their economy, environment, and will help their state move forward with meeting targeted emission reduction goals. Local electric companies will play a critical role in accelerating and incentivizing the adoption of EVs, in addition to making the necessary investments to deploy, own, and operate charging infrastructure for the benefit of customers.”

Source: http://www.eei.org/resourcesandmedia/newsr...