[USA] “Cape Fear River Flooding Damages Sutton Lake, Causes Safe Shutdown of Natural Gas Plant”

[Duke Energy, 21 September 2018]  

Flooding of the Cape Fear River has cause Duke Energy’s L.V. Sutton 625 mw natural gas plant to shut down. The river’s flooding has “caused breaches in the cooling lake dam surrounding the cooling lake.” Water from the cooling lake also flowed into the natural gas plant itself. While there are two coal ash basins near the Sutton plant, Duke does not believe that the ash has breached the steel wall separating the basin and the cooling lake. Duke Energy has employees in place who are securing the area while engineers are developing and activating repair plans for the site. Duke also predicts that, based on historic data, that there is “little to no chance that cooling lake water will contribute to a measurable change to water levels in the area.”

Source: https://news.duke-energy.com/releases/cape...