[USA] “Acting EPA Administrator Wheeler Concludes Visit to G7 Environmental Ministers Meeting”  

[EPA, 20 September 2018]

The EPA Administrator concluded his visit to the G7 Environmental Ministers Meeting on September 20, 2018. The meeting involved leading officials from Japan, the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, and the European Commission. Wheeler participated in one-on-one as well joint sessions. These sessions often focused on reducing air and water pollution, transitioning to a low carbon economy, resource efficiency, food waste, and improving “natural infrastructure to reduce coastal risk.” Wheeler and the European Union Commission delegate, Daniel Calleja, also talked about developing an air quality exchange in order to share technical information between EPA and EU experts.  Wheeler stated of the conference, “The United States is pleased with the progress being made by global leaders to advance practical solutions that will reduce marine litter, minimize food waste, and improve air quality. We look forward to continuing constructive dialogue.”

Source: https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/acting-ep...