[USA] EPA withdraws air quality permit for 1.5-GW Atlantic Shores offshore wind project

As of March 14, 2025, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) remanded the Atlantic Shores wind energy project’s Clean Air Act permit. [1] The Environmental Appeals Board said EPA’s Region 2 office, which covers New Jersey, requested the voluntary remand so that the region may reevaluate the project and its environmental impacts. [2] This is in light of President Trump’s Jan. 20 executive order, which mandated a pause on offshore wind leasing and a review of existing leases. The filing said that Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind filed a March 7 response objecting to the remand, asserting that the Region 2 didn’t provide good cause for it, but the board said it has broad discretion over the voluntary remand. Region 2’s review of the permit will involve conferring with other executive branch agencies regarding further evaluation of various impacts that may result from the Project, including environmental concerns.

[1] https://yosemite.epa.gov/oa/eab_web_docket.nsf/9C7B7CF33923032185258C4D0058F4A7/$File/Atlantic%20Shores%20Order%20Granting%20Motion%20for%20Voluntary%20Remand,%20FINAL.pdf

[2] https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2025/01/temporary-withdrawal-of-all-areas-on-the-outer-continental-shelf-from-offshore-wind-leasing-and-review-of-the-federal-governments-leasing-and-permitting-practices-for-wind-projects/