As of March 17, 2025, the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) asked federal regulators to approve an Expedited Resource Addition Study process (ERAS) to provide a framework for the accelerated study of generation projects that can address urgent resource adequacy and reliability needs in the near term. [1] MISO asked the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to approve the ERAS proposal to be effective by May 17. MISO is on pace for near-term capacity shortfalls, if resource retirements continue as planned. MISO told FERC that recent surveys and forecasts demonstrate the urgency with which MISO needs to address significant resource adequacy needs in its footprint that are compounded by the addition of unexpected large spot loads. In its proposal, MISO said that the ERAS proposal is their answer to addressing these resource adequacy and reliability needs in the near term. MISO said it wants to sunset ERAS by the end of 2028, reflecting its intention for these projects to be completed as soon as possible and providing sufficient time to complete other queue process improvements.