[Japan] Kansai Electric Power, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, and RITE Agreed to Build a Test Facility to Conduct CO2 Capture Demonstration Project

On September 24, 2020, Kansai Electric Power (KEPCO, Headquarters: Osaka Prefecture); Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI, Headquarters: Tokyo)[1], a heavy machinery manufacturer; and the Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE, Headquarters: Kyoto), a research institution that develops carbon dioxide capture and storage technologies[2], announced that they had reached an agreement to conduct a joint study on “Applicability to Capture Gas Generated by Coal Combustion using CO2 Solid Sorbents.”

KHI and RITE will work with KEPCO to build a pilot-scale test facility with a CO2 capture capacity of 40t-CO/day at KEPCO’s Maizuru coal-fired power plant to conduct the demonstration project. They were selected and financially supported by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO, Headquarters: Tokyo), a Japan-based public funding organization that promotes the development and deployment of new clean energy technologies. The project marks the first demonstration test in Japan using solid sorbents for CO2 separation and capture at a thermal power plant. The method has the potential to significantly reduce the energy required for CO2 separation compared with conventional technologies.

The test facility is expected to begin the CO2 capture demonstration test in FY2022. KHI will be responsible for designing and constructing the test facility and conducting the CO2 capture and recovery test. KHI and RITE have been developing a solid absorber and a Kawasaki CO2 Capture (KCC) system for separating and recovering CO2 under the Carbon Dioxide Recovery Technology Practical Use Research Project, which was commissioned by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) in FY2015. Since 2016, KEPCO has been collaborating with them toward the implementation of a pilot-scale tests to evaluate the durability and economic feasibility for solid sorbents at the Maizuru coal-fired power plant.

By leveraging the knowledge developed through the efforts of KEPCO’s engineering services branch, the Kansai-Value Creation Service (K-VaCS), KEPCO hopes to continue to contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions and move towards a low-carbon society.[3] [4]

[1] https://www.khi.co.jp/corporate/outline.html

[2] http://www.rite.or.jp/en/about/outline/

[3] https://www.kepco.co.jp/corporate/pr/2020/pdf/0924_1j_01.pdf

[4] https://www.kepco.co.jp/corporate/pr/2020/0924_1j.html

[Japan] TEPCO Power Grid Announced a Partnership Agreement on the Joint Development of New Digital Products and Services

On September 8, 2020, TEPCO Power Grid (Headquarters: Tokyo), in partnership with several Japanese companies, announced an agreement on the joint development and demonstration of new digital products and services in support of Japan’s Society 5.0 initiative. The Society 5.0 initiative, proposed by the Japanese Cabinet Office’s 5th Science and Technology Basic Plan in 2015, aims to achieve economic growth and address social challenges through a system that highly integrates cyberspace and physical space[1].[2] TEPCO Power Grid’s partners are Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Group, a Japanese insurance company owned by MS&AD Insurance Group (Headquarters: Tokyo); NTT DoCoMo (Headquarters: Tokyo), a major Japanese telecommunication company; and Energy Gateway (Headquarters: Tokyo), an Internet of Things (IoT) platform solutions provider established by Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO, Headquarters: Tokyo) in 2018.[3]

The partnership will collaboratively develop a variety of new digital products and services to tackle social challenges--including natural disasters, carbon emissions, and an aging population--by leveraging the four companies’ knowledge and expertise. By the end of FY2020, they will launch a demonstration test of new digital services to support disaster prevention and mitigation, energy savings, and remote monitoring to improve home-based senior and child care by collecting and analyzing residential energy consumption data to identify user behavior patterns and detect any anomalies. The test will be conducted through the DoCoMo IoT Managed Service, which provides customers with turnkey services, ranging from deployment to operations.

In the project, TEPCO Power Grid and Energy Gateway will be responsible for collecting power usage data and providing an application to control the sensors that collect data. NTT DoCoMo will support customers with the installation of IoT products at home and will provide post-installation monitoring services.[4] Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance will analyze power usage data and accident data to better understand fire risk, so that the firm can expand its insurance coverage and offer customers better discounts.[5]

[1] https://www8.cao.go.jp/cstp/english/society5_0/index.html

[2] https://onuglobal.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/japon_5basicplan_en.pdf

[3] https://www.energy-gateway.co.jp/company/summary.html

[4] https://www.nttdocomo.co.jp/biz/service/managed_services/

[5] https://www.tepco.co.jp/pg/company/press-information/press/2020/1552478_8615.html

[Japan] Hokkaido Electric Power Enters the City-Gas Retail Business in Hokkaido Prefecture

On August 18, 2018, Hokkaido Electric Power (HEPCO, Headquarters: Sapporo City, Hokkaido Prefecture[1]) announced that it will enter the city-gas retail business[2] in Hokkaido Prefecture. It has registered HEPCO as a Gas Retailer based on the Gas Business Act, along with “Hokuden Gas” as a business trademark. Starting from October 1, 2020, HEPCO will supply gas to its customers in six cities in Hokkaido Prefecture, including Sapporo City, Otaru City, Ishikari City, Kitahiroshima City, Chitose City, and Eniwa City.

HEPCO is working on the creation of a secure system to ensure customer safety with affordable gas rate plans. For business customers, HEPCO will offer value-added energy related services, including energy audit service using the city-gas, in addition to delivering Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG).

HEPCO has become the seventh major utility company to register as a gas retailer after Japan’s deregulation of the city-gas retail business in April 2017, after Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO, Headquarters: Tokyo), Kansai Electric Power (KEPCO, Headquarters: Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture), Chubu Electric Power (Chuden, Headquarters: Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture), Kyushu Electric Power (Kyuden, Headquarters: Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture), Tohoku Electric Power (Tohoku, Headquarters: Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture), and Shikoku Electric Power (Yonden, Headquarters: Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture).[3]

[1] http://www.hepco.co.jp/english/company/corporateprofile.html

[2] The city-gas retail business is equivalent to the natural gas retail business specializing in selling and supplying the gas to residential and commercial & industrial customers in the U.S.

[3] http://www.hepco.co.jp/info/2020/1250975_1844.html

[USA] Ameren announces commitment to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050

On September 28, 2020, Ameren Missouri announced a new commitment to net-zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2050, with interim goals of 50% emissions reduction in 2030 compared to 2005 levels and 85% emissions reduction by 2040 compared to 2005 levels.[1] The commitment is an update to the targets it set in 2017— 35% reduction by 2030, 50% reduction by 2040, and 80% reduction by 2050. According to the utility, the move is primarily guided by investors and customers. Ameren’s new plan allocates approximately $4.5 billion over the next decade to add 3.1 GW of new wind and solar to its portfolio. By 2040, the utility expects to have 5.4 GW of renewables in its portfolio. Under this plan, the utility will retire its 5 GW og coal-fired generation by 2042: Meramec Energy Center by the end of 2022, the Sioux Energy Center by the end of 2028, two units at the Labadie Energy Center by the end of 2036, both units at the Rush Island Energy Center by the end of 2039, and the remaining two units at the Labadie Energy Center by the end of 2042. The plan also assumes that the operating license for Ameren’s Callaway nuclear facility is extended beyond 2050.

[1] https://www.ameren.com/-/media/missouri-site/files/environment/irp/2020/ch1-executive-summary.pdf?la=en-us-mo&hash=67ECB83304090AE189E1528AABDD2211E5A091BC

[Japan] Kansai Electric Power Developed a Drone to Conduct Chimney Inspections for Thermal Power Plants

On August 6, 2020, Kansai Electric Power (KEPCO, Headquarters: Osaka Prefecture) announced that it has developed a drone that can be used to inspect the interiors of chimneys installed at thermal power plants.

Traditionally, workers had to set up a scaffold inside the chimney to inspect the interior to identify any deterioration. This work posed some significant risks for worker safety because the height of chimneys installed at thermal power plants can reach approximately 200m.

The use of drones was previously considered to be too difficult since Global Positioning System (GPS) is not available inside the chimney. However, the drone developed by KEPCO is equipped with Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), a mapping technology that can determine the position and orientation of the drone, as well as LiDAR, a method for measuring distances, in order to enable autonomous drone operation without GPS. It is the first time that Japan has developed a drone technology that can determine the position of a drone in a cylindrical space where GPS is not available.

In addition to improving worker safety, the drone is expected to reduce the time necessary to conduct inspections by approximately 90% and the inspection costs by more than 50%.

KEPCO partnered with Kanso (Headquarters: Osaka), a civil engineering consulting company, and Autonomous Control Systems Laboratory (Headquarters: Tokyo), an autonomous control solutions company, to consider marketing the drone to utilities and local governments.[1] [2]

[1] https://www.kepco.co.jp/corporate/pr/2020/0806_1j.html

[2] https://www.kepco.co.jp/corporate/pr/2020/pdf/0806_1j_01.pdf

[Japan] Tokyo Gas America Established a Subsidiary in the U.S. and Acquired the Aktina Solar Project in Texas State

On July 29, 2020, Tokyo Gas America, a wholly owned subsidiary of Tokyo Gas headquartered in Houston City, Texas, announced that it had established the TG Aktina Holdings and its subsidiaries in Delaware, and will purchase the Aktina Solar Project (Aktina Solar) through the TG Aktina Holdings. The acquisition of Aktina Solar was completed on August 5, 2020.

Aktina Solar was developed by a renewable energy development company, Hecate Energy (Headquarters: Chicago, Illinois). The project is located in Wharton County, Texas State. The current installed solar capacity is relatively low in Texas, but it is expected to grow in the future as the state has seen one of the highest GDP growth rate and population growth rates in the U.S., and is suitable for solar energy generation. Atkina Solar marks the first time for Tokyo Gas Group to participate in an overseas solar power generation business from construction to operation. Aktina Solar will start construction in 2020 and will begin commercial operations in 2021. The expected maximum capacity is 630MW.

With the addition of the Aktina Solar Project, Tokyo Gas’ total renewable energy capacity will be over 1,200MW. Based on Tokyo Gas’ Management Vision Compass 2030, Tokyo Gas aims to achieve net-zero CO2 emissions and reach 5GW of renewable power generation capacity by 2030.[1]

[1] https://www.tokyo-gas.co.jp/Press/20200729-03.html

[Japan] J-Power Concluded a New Share Subscription Agreement with Australian Renewable Energy Company Genex Power

Tokyo-based Japanese power producer J-Power announced on August 3, 2020 that it had concluded a new share subscription agreement with Genex Power, a renewable energy development company in Sidney City, Australia. Genex Power currently operates a 50MW solar firm, Kidston Stage 1 (KS1), and is working on four other renewable energy projects with a total additional capacity of 720MW in Australia.

J-Power’s decision to invest in Genex Power is aligned with its business strategy to expand its renewable energy investments in both Japan and abroad. Australia has abundant renewable energy resources and the share of renewable energy in Australia is expected to increase in the future. The need for services and energy storage technologies is also expected to increase to accommodate higher levels of intermittent renewable energy sources.

J-Power has also signed a Technical Services Agreement with Genex Power to provide technical advice for the construction and operation of the Kidston Pumped Storage Hydro Project (K2-Hydro), located in northern Queensland. J-power will leverage the technical expertise that it has gained from Genex’s experience with pumped storage hydro power plant projects in Japan. Once completed, K2-Hydro is expected to have a capacity of 250MW.[1] [2]

[1] https://www.jpower.co.jp/news_release/2020/08/news200803.html

[2] https://www.jpower.co.jp/english/news_release/pdf/news200803.pdf

[USA] PSEG to explore strategic alternatives for its non-nuclear fleet

During its second quarter earnings conference call on July 31, 2020, New Jersey utility Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG) announced that it is “exploring strategic alternatives” to PSEG Power’s, a subsidiary of PSEG, non-nuclear generating fleet.[1] This includes 6,750 MW of fossil generation located in New Jersey, Connecticut, New York and Maryland and its 467 MW Solar Source portfolio spread across 14 states. According to CEO Ralph Izzo, PSEG expects the sale of its fossil fuel portfolio to begin in late 2020 and be completed in 2021. PSEG intends to retain ownership of PSEG Power’s existing nuclear fleet. Izzo said the move to exit merchant generation while retaining nuclear power “could reduce overall business risk and earnings volatility, improve our credit profile and enhance an already compelling [environmental, social and governance] position driven by pending clean energy investments, methane reduction and zero-carbon generation.” In addition to keeping its existing nuclear fleet, PSEG says that it is evaluating potential investments in offshore wind and considering participation in upcoming offshore wind solicitations in New Jersey and other Mid-Atlantic states. The utility expects to decide on whether to invest in Ørsted's Ocean Wind project by the end of 2020.

[1] https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/pseg-to-explore-strategic-alternatives-for-pseg-powers-non-nuclear-fleet-301103791.html

[Japan] J-Power Consolidates its Thermal Power Generation and Service under J-POWER Generation Service

Tokyo-based Japanese power producer J-Power announced on June 25, 2020, that it will transfer the operation of its thermal power generation plants to JPEC (Headquarters: Tokyo).[1] JPEC is J-Power’s wholly owned subsidiary that provides construction and maintenance services for power generation equipment.[2] JEPC will be renamed J-POWER Generation Service to reflect this change.

Since 2004, J-Power and JPEC have shared responsibility of operations and maintenance (O&M) of thermal power plants. However, in response to the rising competition introduced by the deregulation of the electricity market, J-Power plans to streamline its businesses to improve efficiency and reduce the cost of O&M by consolidating O&M under J-POWER Generation Service. In the long term, J-Power plans to strengthen its investment in renewable energy and overseas business development.

Starting in August 2020, the O&M for seven of J-Power’s Thermal Power Plants will be managed by J-POWER Generation Service. J-Power will integrate its Thermal Power Generation Department and Thermal Power Construction Department into the Thermal Energy Department, which will be responsible for developing the company’s strategy for thermal generation and maintaining and improving the thermal generation technology. J-Power will continue to be responsible for fuel supply and electricity sales. [3]

[1] https://www.jpec.co.jp/company/index.html

[2] https://www.jpec.co.jp/service/index.html

[3] https://www.jpower.co.jp/news_release/2020/06/news200625_4.html

[USA] Report: APS declares thermal runaway event caused 2019 battery explosion

According to a report released on July 27, 2020, an explosion on April 19, 2019 at Arizona Public Service’s (APS) McMicken Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) facility in Surprise, Arizona was caused by an internal cell failure in a single battery which led to a cascading thermal runaway event[1].[2] The report was written for APS by Davion Hill, a U.S. energy storage leader DNV GL, a Norway-based company that provides advisory and analytics services to the energy industry. The report found that abnormal lithium metal deposits likely led to the internal failure. Contributing factors to the explosion include: a lack of thermal barriers between battery cells, a fire suppression system ill equipped to stop the thermal runaway, a concentration of flammable off-gassing, and a lack of coordination with emergency responders.

The APS report concluded that four issues must be addressed in future BESS installations: barriers to limit cell-to-cell and module-to-module cascading; ventilation and cooling; a combined strategy of fire suppression followed by ventilation and cooling strategies; and response procedures that incorporate system monitoring, the detection of gases, ventilation practices, extinguishing methods, and critical information.

[1] A thermal Runaway occurs in situations where an increase in temperature changes the conditions in a way that causes a further increase in temperature.

[2] https://www.aps.com/en/About/Our-Company/Newsroom/Articles/Equipment-failure-at-McMicken-Battery-Facility

[Japan] JERA, ADEME Investment SAS, and IDEOL Agreed to Jointly Invest in the Development of Commercial Scale Floating Offshore Wind Projects

JERA (a joint venture between Tokyo Electric Power Fuel & Power (headquarters: Tokyo)  and Chubu Electric Power (Headquarters: Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture)), 100% French state-owned infrastructure investment company ADEME Investment SAS (Headquarters: Angers City, France)[1], and the leading French floating offshore wind technology company IDEOL (Headquarters: La Ciotat, France) announced on June 22, 2020, that they have agreed to establish an investment vehicle that will finance the development and construction phase of several commercial-scale floating offshore wind projects around the world. This includes two upcoming wind farms in Scotland and France, which will use IDEOL’s patented Damping Pool technology. The three parties are in discussion to determine the details of the partnership, including the investment amount.

Offshore wind power generation technologies can generally be divided into  two types: fixed structures connected to the offshore foundations called “bottom-mounted foundations” and “floating-type” structures where the foundation is floating on the sea.[2] Floating-type offshore wind turbines, which can be installed even in deep water, have significant potential to help expand the use of renewable energy in the future. The three companies are therefore trying to better understand floating-type offshore wind power and accelerate its global development through this partnership.[3] [4]

[1] https://www.ademe.fr/en/about-ademe

[2] https://www.nedo.go.jp/news/press/AA5_100970.html

[3] https://www.jera.co.jp/information/20200622_508

[4] https://www.jera.co.jp/english/information/20200622_508

[Japan] Hokuriku Electric Power and JFE Engineering Seeks to Expand the Use of AI-based WinmuSe System to Optimize Dam Operation

On June 12, 2020, Hokuriku Electric Power (Rikuden, Headquarters: Toyama City, Toyama Prefecture) and JFE Engineering, an engineering company headquartered in Tokyo, announced that they had jointly developed an optimal operating system for dams using AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology, which will help increase hydroelectricity power plants’ generation. The system mainly utilizes the WinmuSe, an AI-based water inflow forecasting application developed by JFE Engineering.

The two companies have jointly demonstrated WinmuSe at Rikuden’s Asaida Dam, located in Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture, since FY 2017. Its forecasting function was successfully improved through advanced analysis of large amounts of data related to Asaida Dam’s amount of rainfall and water inflow in past years. The results of the demonstration project showed excellent performance, with a high level of accuracy in forecasting water inflow. The project also confirmed that the system could be expected to increase the generation of hydroelectricity power plants by approximately 5 GWh per year.

Based on the results, Rikuden and JFE Engineering plan to apply the AI-based optimal operating system to other dams in the entire Jinzu River Water System, aiming to maximize their power generation.[1]

[1] http://www.rikuden.co.jp/press/attach/20061201.pdf

[USA] Duke and Dominion cancel Atlantic Coast Pipeline amid ongoing legal battles

On July 5, 2020, Duke Energy and Dominion Energy announced that they are cancelling the Atlantic Coast Pipeline—originally slated to run 600 miles from West Virginia to eastern North Carolina to provide additional natural gas capacity in the region—due to ongoing delays and cost uncertainty.[1][2] The Atlantic Coast Pipeline project has run into several legal challenges which has increased cost estimates from $4.5 billion to $8 billion. In June 2020, the Supreme Court ruled 7-2 overturning a lower court’s decision to block the pipeline from crossing beneath the Appalachian Trail, a protected national scenic trail overseen by the U.S. Forest Service. Despite this win, Duke and Dominion pointed to other legal battles as barriers to the project. In particular, the U.S. District Court for the District of Montana decision to overturn federal permit authority for waterbody and wetland crossings and a Ninth Circuit ruling on May 28, 2020 are stated as major concerns.

In addition to the announcement regarding the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, Dominion announced the sale of its natural gas transmission and storage assets to a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate for $9.7 billion.[3] However, this sale does not include Dominion's interest in the Atlantic Coast Pipeline.

[1] https://news.duke-energy.com/releases/dominion-energy-and-duke-energy-cancel-the-atlantic-coast-pipeline

[2] https://news.dominionenergy.com/2020-07-05-Dominion-Energy-and-Duke-Energy-Cancel-the-Atlantic-Coast-Pipeline

[3] https://news.dominionenergy.com/2020-07-05-Dominion-Energy-Agrees-to-Sell-Gas-Transmission-Storage-Assets-to-Berkshire-Hathaway-Energy-Strategic-Repositioning-Toward-Pure-Play-State-Regulated-Sustainability-Focused-Utility-Operations

[USA] Dominion announces successful installation of 2nd offshore wind farm in United States

Dominion Energy announced on June 29, 2020 that it has successfully installed its two turbine, 12-megawatt Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind (CVOW) pilot project 27 miles off Virginia Beach.[1] The CVOW pilot project is the first offshore wind farm to be installed in federal waters and is the second offshore wind farm in the United States. The CVOW pilot project—engineered and constructed by the world's largest offshore wind developer, Ørsted A/S—is currently undergoing testing and is anticipated to come online by the end of summer 2020. According to Dominion, the pilot will provide enough power at peak capacity to power 3,000 homes. The pilot project lays the groundwork for a separate Dominion 2,600-MW proposal which will be built in multiple phases about 30 miles from Virginia Beach starting in 2024 and generate enough power for 650,000 homes. In a statement, Dominion Energy Chairman, President and CEO Thomas F. Farrell, II said, "The construction of these two turbines is a major milestone not only for offshore wind in Virginia but also for offshore wind in the United States.” He also emphasized the importance of the pilot for bringing new clean energy jobs to Virginia, which Virginia Governor Ralph Northam echoed in his own statement.

[1] https://news.dominionenergy.com/2020-06-29-Dominion-Energy-Completes-Construction-of-First-Offshore-Wind-Project-in-U-S-Federal-Waters

[Japan] Tokyo Gas Invested in Floating Wind Power Company Principle Power

Tokyo Gas (Headquarters: Tokyo[1]) announced on May 27, 2020, that it has invested more than 2 billion yen (approximately $18 million)[2] in Principle Power (Headquarters: Emeryville, California, U.S.), a wind power technology developer that owns the WindFloat technology. With its investment, Tokyo Gas has become one of Principle Power’s major shareholders.

WindFloat is a patented technology owned by Principle Power. It is a floating foundation for offshore wind turbines. The technology has achieved high stability in various aquatic environments and is expected to be widely adopted by floating offshore wind projects around the world in the future. It has already been used in some large wind turbine projects in Europe. The introduction of WindFloat technology is expected to drive the implementation of floating offshore wind turbines in Japan, where the availability of shallow seabeds is limited.

Tokyo Gas has been investing in renewable energy sources in Japan and overseas to achieve net-zero CO2 emissions. According to its management vision, Compass 2030, it aims to reach 5GW of renewable power generation capacity by 2030. Investment in Principle Power’s technology is expected to further accelerate this effort.

Takeshi Uchida, President of Tokyo Gas, said, “Our company is working to build up renewable energy sources inside and outside of Japan in order to achieve net-zero CO2 emissions as set forth in our Group Management Vision, “Compass 2030.” Principle Power, with its advanced technology and proven track record in the field of floating offshore wind, which is expected to grow in Europe and in Asia, is an ideal partner for Tokyo Gas, and this investment will give us a good start in promoting floating-type wind power generation projects in Japan and in other parts of the world.” [3] [4]

[1] https://www.tokyo-gas.co.jp/en/aboutus/profile.html

[2] ¥ 1 = $ 0.0092 USD. Based on the exchange rate as of June 4, 2020.

[3] https://www.tokyo-gas.co.jp/Press/20200527-01.html

[4] https://www.tokyo-gas.co.jp/Press_e/20200527-01e.pdf

[Japan] Kyushu Electric Power Group Acquired Geothermal Company Thermochem and PT. Thermochem Indonesia

Kyushu Electric Power (Kyuden, Headquarters: Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture[1]) announced on June 1, 2020, that Kyuden International Corporation[2] and West Japan Engineering Consultants[3], which are both subsidiaries of Kyuden, have concluded a share purchase agreement for the acquisition of Thermochem and PT. Thermochem Indonesia (Collectively “Thermochem”). The two companies, based in the U.S. and Indonesia respectively, offer geothermal technical and consulting services.[4]

Thermochem has contributed to the implementation of flow measurement and testing services during the well-drilling work at the Sarulla Geothermal Independent Power Producer (IPP) project in Indonesia. Kyuden has participated in this project, which is one of the largest geothermal IPP projects in the world. Thermochem has a strong reputation among geothermal developers and operators worldwide for its advanced technical capabilities and knowledge.

This is the first time that Kyuden Group has independently acquired an overseas business. Leveraging Termochem’s knowledge and experience, Kyuden will continue to expand its geothermal power generation business. Based on the Kyuden Group Management Vision 2030, the Kyuden Group plans to contribute to the development of renewable energy and a sustainable society by acquiring equity ownership of 5 GW of overseas electricity generation businesses. [5] [6]

[1] https://www.kyuden.co.jp/english_company_outline_index.html

[2] https://www.kyuden-intl.co.jp/en/company/

[3] https://www.wjec.co.jp/company/location.html

[4] https://www.kyuden.co.jp/var/rev0/0243/8936/12fkcd49.pdf

[5] http://www.kyuden.co.jp/press_h200601b-1.html

[6] https://www.kyuden.co.jp/var/rev0/0243/8935/bj2rx941.pdf

[USA] Vectren Energy announces plans to reduce coal mix 78% to 12% by 2025

On June 15, 2020, Vectren Energy, a subsidiary of CenterPoint Energy based in Indiana and parts of Ohio, announced it would retire 730 MW of coal by 2030 which would bring its resource mix to 12% coal-fired power by 2025.[1] As of 2020, the utility’s generation portfolio is 78% coal. Under Vectren’s preferred integrated resource plan (IRP), which is based on an all-resource request for proposals, the utility would add 700 MW to 1000 MW of solar+storage, 300 MW of wind, 30 MW of demand response resources and 460 MW of combustion turbine natural gas plants. In total, the mix would be 64% renewable energy plus demand response by 2025. According to Vectren, the proposed plan is expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) 75% below 2005 levels by 2035 and save customers up to $320 million over the next 20 years.

In recent years, the utility has been under pressure from state legislators to keep Indiana coal online. In 2019, Indiana lawmakers proposed legislation that would place a moratorium on new resources in the state in order to protect coal-fired power from getting replaced.[2] Though the bill failed in the 2019 legislative session, in early 2020 lawmakers passed House Bill 1414 which makes coal plants in the state more difficult to retire.[3] Vectren’s new plan, though, bucks these pressures.

[1] https://www.centerpointenergy.com/en-us/corporate/about-us/news/1348

[2] http://iga.in.gov/documents/b14c355b

[3] https://legiscan.com/IN/bill/HB1414/2020

[USA] Minnesota Power energizes Great Northern Transmission Line

On June 11, 2020, Minnesota Power, the state’s second largest investor-owned utility, energized its 224-mile, 500 kV transmission line, Great Northern Transmission Line (GNTL), that will bring the utility to 50% renewable energy in 2021.[1] The GNTL brings 250 MW of hydropower from Manitoba, Canada to Northern Minnesota and was completed in February 2020. With the GNTL energized and connected to Manitoba Hydro’s Manitoba Minnesota Transmission Project, the utilities now have a unique “mechanism that quickly balances energy supply and demand in Minnesota and Manitoba" which enables the utilities to use wind power more effectively. The utility first filed permits for the project in 2014. This is a big shift for Minnesota Power which generated most of its power from coal in the early 2000s.[2] Now, the only coal units in the utility’s portfolio are Boswell Energy Center’s 355 MW and 585 MW units 3 and 4, respectively.


[2] https://www.mnpower.com/Company/Generation

[USA] Alabama regulators approve Southern Company’s request for nearly 2 GW of natural gas

On June 9, 2020, the Alabama Public Service Commission (PSC) unanimously voted to authorize Southern Company to buy, build, or contract for nearly 2 GW of natural gas resources to guarantee system resilience.[1] Previously, Alabama Power, a Southern Company subsidiary, had announced that it is switching from a summer-peaking to a winter-peaking system, and proposed several expansions in solar, energy efficiency, and natural gas for a total of about $1.1 billion. According to Alabama Power, the additions are part of a nearly 20% fleet capacity increase necessary for resilience. In addition to the approval of natural gas, about 200 MW of energy efficiency programs were approved. However, regulators did not approve the five proposed solar-plus-storage projects, stating that those resource additions should be considered on a separate docket not focused on resiliency.

The decision not to include solar-plus-storage has received backlash from environmental groups who claim that the solar-plus-storage projects would have saved customers more. According to Docket participants from Energy Alabama and the Southern Environmental Law Center, an environmental advocacy group and an environmental public interest law firm, respectively, Alabama Power’s analysis showed solar-plus-storage options were the least costly solution.[2]

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNRjWy1IgJo

[2] https://www.southernenvironment.org/news-and-press/press-releases/psc-approves-alabama-powers-1-billion-gas-expansion

[Japan] Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions and Chubu Electric Power Announced the Construction of the Double-Flash Geothermal Power Plant in Gifu Prefecture

On May 13, 2020, Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions (Headquarters: Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture) announced that Nakao Geothermal Power Generation Corporation (Nakao Geothermal, Headquarters: Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture) will build a double-flash geothermal power plant in Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture.[1] Nakao Geothermal was jointly established in 2013 by Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions, a subsidiary of Toshiba (Headquarters: Tokyo)[2] that offers energy business products and services [3], and Cenergy, a subsidiary of Chubu Electric Power (Chuden, Headquarters: Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture). Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions owns 55 percent of shares of Nakao Geothermal, and Chuden owns 45 percent of share of it.

The construction of the Nakao Geothermal Power Plant is scheduled to begin in September 2020, and it is expected to begin commercial operations in late 2021. It is the first time for Toshiba and Chuden to cooperate to build a geothermal power plant. The maximum capacity of the power plant is expected to be 1,998 kW, and all of the generated electricity will be sold to Chubu Electric Power Grid (Chuden Power Grid, Headquarters: Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture)[4] to supply approximately 4,000 households.

The plant will adopt the double-flash method, which is about 20% more efficient than the general single flash method. It will be the world’s smallest geothermal power plant using this method. The Okuhida Onsengo Nakao district where the plant will be constructed is famous for its hot springs and the hot temperature of its steam, which makes it suitable for geothermal generation.[5]

[1] https://www.toshiba-energy.com/info/info2020_0513.htm

[2] https://www.toshiba.co.jp/about/profi_j.htm

[3] https://www.toshiba-energy.com/company/about.htm

[4] https://powergrid.chuden.co.jp/corporate/company/com_outline/

[5] https://www.toshiba-energy.com/info/info2020_0513.htm